
Comments (10)

What do you think?



Fun, a little addicting and challenging, love it! :)

Pretty cool, pretty basic, could've been a lot more to it and the idea of switching gravity seems to be getting more common by the year, but it was pretty entertaining.

Cool game! Yeah level 18 was pretty difficult, but its possible to get through.



Version: 1.0.0about 14 years ago

Monica (v1.0)

A casual gravity-flipping platformer - the goal is to paint all the blocks in each level by stepping on them. Doesn't sound too hard, right? But when you add in spikes, trampolines, and disappearing blocks it becomes quite a challenge.

Play as an imaginary friend invented by a little girl on a quest to color everything pink. Features 20 levels and an unlockable bonus mode.

Sequel to "How". Made in less than a day for the Game Jolt "Invention" Contest. (Though the engine of "How" is very similar to that of this game, they are not the same. This game was built from scratch.)

Mild Fantasy Violence

Update Suggestions?

"Invention" Contest Entry!

I’m pleased to present to you my contest entry! I just started this yesterday, and I didn’t get any sleep last night since I stayed up and worked on this to make the deadline. :P

Hope you like it! :)