
Monopolize is an implementation of the famous board game Monopoly which you probably know. It has just left the development phase and the official rules are fully implemented. There are 3 different difficulty levels of the AIs (computer opponents): easy, middle, and hard.
The game play should be mostly self-explanatory; to start a new game you click "New game" in the main menu and choose name, type and token of the players (2-6 are possible) and then click OK (the button is only visible if all players have different names and tokens).
There is an American, a UK and a German board available (with the adequate chance and community chest cards), but you are also able to make your own Monopoly game using the provided board and card stack editors (in the subdirectory "Editors". The provided languages are English (American) and German.
To save a game, click the close button or press Escape, a save-file dialog will automatically appear (if you don't want to save your game, simply click cancel). You can load games choosing the "Load game" button in the main menu.
You can adjust the settings like background color, board and language using the "Settings" button in the main menu.
The XNA Framework 3.5 ( is needed for this game!