Comments (9)
Needs much more work, specially with the graphics and the fact that all the Montgomery images are stolen (the edits doesn't seem to be stolen, but the images used for make them yes)
Woah this looks Insane!! Deserve more followers and likes!
i will download it if you will make version for windows!
i like this but make the movement better oh and make it night
Monty's Memories

Descapis(me). I was in my house and I watched trailer and teasers of fnaf securitybreach. I loved montygomery gator(monty). Monty engaged me to his dreams. I tried to escape. Finally, after week I escaped his dream. He came back to me. Now, I am in his dream and I have to survive his 6 dreams in my room to see the daylight again

5 nights
Descaplis's night
Nightmare mode

@Descaplis (me)-Idea, coder,graphics, voice actor