
Moody's Basics in Chasing and Flying: Immense School Edition Rewritten Remake
Moody's Basic: Rewritten Remake immense schoolhouse. and Sue's Basics: Rewritten Remake is a recreation of one of our old Baldi's Basics Classic mods, Sue's Basics in Chasing and Flying. It's been 2 years and 2 years since the release of the original mod, and it didn't really age well. The mod has been remade from the ground up with new and improved textures, animations, voices and more! We hope you enjoy playing the mod as much as we enjoyed making it. :)
Download the original Baldi's Basics Classic here:
Sue's Basics in Chasing and Flying: Rewritten Remake
Old Sue's Basics in Chasing and Flying: Rewritten
Lukman Azhary - Paint.net
Lionel Raihan Lee - Voice Actress
Credits 2:
mystman12/Basically Games - Original game creator and programmer
AngryBirdman03 - Mod Creator, Graphic Designer, Sound Designer and Voice Actor
CosmicToons - Graphic Designer, Artist, Animator, Composer and Voice Actor
BigHungryMode - Graphic Designer
Daisy (my sister) - Voice Actress
CamCamtehCamsta - Voice Actress
Jack Lucas Caffrey - Voice Actor
kwysocki243 - Voice Actor
(Check out the mod for more credits)