Comments (8)
I´ve seen Pewds and then I fell down the map. WHY, BARRELS,WHYYYY?????
I like it! 5/5
I enjoyed this game. I included it in part 6 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
This was pretty fun! I enjoyed it, but I did use the wall to go up the ramps lol. I didnt find out you can slow down until later lolololol.
Why doesn't it say anything if it's in development or downloadable or if it's a HTML game? It sounds very spectacular and interesting! ;)
Mouse Simulator
This game is for the Indies vs Pewdiepie Game Jam
Mouse Simulator is a game about, as the title says, mice!
Find as many cheese as you can.
To end the game, enter the mouse hole.
A: Turn left
D: Turn right
S: Slow down
Space: Shoot cheese
Use the cursor to aim. If the cursor turns red it means that you are aiming at a too far angle, keep your cursor at the middle of the screen.
The mouse goes forward constantly.
- Shoot cheese out of a Cheese Cannon, if you hit a cheese you get 1+ cheese but if you miss you loose 1. If you hit a barrel you get +25 points.
- Collect Speed PowerUps to go 50% faster for 7.5 seconds.