JoJo Hiratege to the future:M.U.G.E.N
This game recreates the arcade game about Jo-Jo on the engine MUGEN, differences from the original in that there is no story mode, but it also allows you to play for the bosses of the original game and secret characters(except for the black Polnareff)
List Of Characters:
Jotaro,Joseph,young Joseph,Avdol and Kakyoin,new Kakyoin,Polnareff,Iggy,Mariah,Midler,Oingo/Boingo,Alessi,Hol Horse,Vanilla ice,Devo,Chaka,PetShop,Rubber Soul,Khan,Gray Fly,Enya,Death 13,Judgement,Wheel of Fortune,Stelly Dan,N`doul,Captain Tennille,DIO,Final Dio,Shadow Dio.
And 18 stages.
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