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Mumbo's: Finale
Mumbo's: Finale Mobile
Game Soundtrack
Shoot Bag space haha
The last Mumbo game in the series. With alot of content comes the end to it all. @AlexAnderson1_e968 for the the main animatronics.
@SomeCrappyDev for West the Weasel and his game being an inspiration for the last day of the game.
@Yoshiofriend ,@videocompressedsatan
,@Guzzster_productions and @LucaMayhem
for testing.
@videocompressedsatan for boss music
@Yoshiofriend for his amazing voice and his discovery for good background by making the background.
More credits in scratch
#fnaf #fangame #pointnclick #horror #survival #rpg #retro #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf
Mild Realistic Violence