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I cant lay it!!!

look interest...

este es la version en ingles de la navidad obscura no? que cambios tiene con el otro por q pesa menos. saludos

Lenguaje: English

Name: Mundo/Abismal: The Dark Christmas
Programa: RPG Maker XP
Duration: 1h:30min.
Play style: Conventional Roll Game
Current Status: Done.

In the dimension where there is a Santa Christmas Town, something impossible has sucintado. An evil entity called Kyonides, has decided screwed with the village to steal Santa cosmic items which may govern the time and space.

Our heroes will have to face that fact and repair the fabric of history before it's too late since the hands of evil have destroyed the history of humanity, where the land of mortals is immersed in an apocalypse within earth.

May amend the time to get everything back to normal?

About the game:
• Lateral Battle ATB.
• It has 12 weapons.
• 20 equips between shields, helmets, armor and accessories.
• 24 skills in total, each character has different skills.
• 19 items, between curative and collection.
• 4 characters play them.
• 3 Christmas and post apocalyptic scenarios.
• Specialty Menu for easy management of resources.
• Run and walk 8 directions.
• signs for easy recognition of objects and paths.
• Maximum Lv33 with 15,505 total experience points.
• With approximately 25 enemies.
• Fighting not random, you can avoid fighting.
• 62.1MB game.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Crass Humor

Version en Español

Version en Español: