Comments (2)
C'est pas mal mais apprends à traduire les choses X)
Musée Virtuel 3DE
I'm not French. The name of the museum is in French because you know, museums...paintings...France...Paris...I'm not racist.
Musée Virtuel 3DE is here!
Not the first nor the best virtual museum is here for you and everyone to enjoy!
Made in one week for my school project with Unity3D where I didn't have a clue what to do with some technical stuff, but that's why Taldius helped me. Thanks man!
This is a WIP "game", it's missing a room and contains a lot of "bugs".
Known "Bugs":
Some light flickers
Wall glitches sometimes
Text is blocky
Feel free to comment believe if you can help me with these "bugs"
There is also a secret if you manage to get out of the museum (it involves going through walls which I don't know if it's possible).
Please check the News for standalone version info.
Thanks for playing!