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A small Yume Nikki and Where They Cremate the Roadkill inspired project where the player watches tv and has vaguely philosophical conversations with whatever lives within.
Warning: this game is mostly simplistic in both style and content. Basically it might just not be fun/good and is guaranteed to be unfinished.
For the game to be displayed correctly, go to the options menu and disable 'filter effects'. This will be fixed on the next version.
Uses some art by Vesperalia - https://vesperalia.tumblr.com/
Thanks to Tsukimi, Galv, Shio_inu, Sumrndmdde, Victor Sant, Shaz, Michael Morris, Yanfly, and DrDhoom for the plugins used for this game.
Music Sample credits are in the game zip.#rpgmaker #visualnovel #other #surreal #rpg #textadventure
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language