Comments (107)
Loved it :) Loads of potential but enjoyable for how simple it is (sorry if that sounds rude) I decided to do a video on it and I'll probably do another in the future after some updates to see how it's improved :)
Your game seems cool , keep it up . If I were you I would change the name tho , something like "A Block In The Wild" or cube or whaterever ...
I love this game and i have a few suggestions:
Add hunger and thirst
Add food and water
Ability to move the camera
More crafting stuff like a furnace and bed
Bigger island to explore
Wild animals
I hope you like my suggestions and put them into the game!
Love simple looking games <3
My Survival Game! :D
Hello! This is my first survival game that I'm working on! Please review it in the comments and give some ideas on what to add next! P.s. I'm still new at coding!
There is Day&Night Cycle
Saplings grow after 60 seconds
Latest update:
v0.7.0 - 3/4/2017