Comments (66)
oh my god this game is Arabian ! from Kuwait or Ksa I think ! great job guys ! this game is amazing :)
نتطلع للجزء الجديد من مبدعنا عبدالله ( The Mystery 2 on the way.. )
I just tried out this game and I was so impressed by the atmosphere and the scares really got me x). I had some really insane jumpscares x'( haha. I think it was an amazing horror game and I for sure play Episode 2 when it is released :) !
Here is a lnk to my gameplay video of it. Enjoy!
Keep up the good work :) !
Hey there! My friend and I recently played your game and we had some great fun doing it. We made an LP out of it, check it out if you get the chance!
Also....You are getting a lot of internet brutality here recently. While this is to be expected since you are placing your work in the public eye and some people love to be relentlessly cruel, I hope you can ignore what they are saying and continue making games. As long as you enjoy making them, that's what matters here. Good work on this one.
Here is our link!
I really do not get why you guys praise this game so much.
4,6 rating? really?
It has almost no athmosphere, totally random jumpscares, and does not feel like a horror game except for the last part at the end.
"This place is very scary, oh you poor person" <- really?
The whole place does not look like a hospital and the translation is very flawed.
My expectations went sky-high when i saw the rating but the experience was overwhelmingly underwhelming.
I will give the project the benefit of the doubt and assume it's just a little sideproject, not worthy of any REAL effort.
2/5 from me, I am sorry, but this is NOT scary
Mystery : Curiosity and seek the truth
Our player name Adel, he heard from his friends there was An abandoned hospital before 30 years ago and they said there are people entered and couldn't get out.
Our friend just came curiosity, he went to the hospital mysterious, after entering Suddenly he felt strong headache until fainted, after a while he woke up from his place he felt there is a powerful Air and heavy he cannot breathe, after that, he tries to get out, but he couldn't, it’s time to explore.
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed