Comments (19)
Okay, this game obviously isn't much to look at, but reviewing is what I do, and so I will do it.
Difficulty: Easy
Although there are many controls, it is a simple game. Move left and right. And click.
Story: 2/10
No contest there. The notes provided a few clues, but not enough to make me feel for the characters.
Art: 1/10
Sorry, but this is not something sugarcoat-able. Most of the art was repetetive, and what wasn't looked badly photo-shopped.
Music/Ambience: 3/10
No music to speak of, but the screams were enough to give me a slight jump.
Scariness Level: Rainbows and bunnies.
Sorry, but it really wasn't even off-putting.
Overall: 1.5/10
This game is not worth playing.
My Advice:
Find some people who you can develop games with. Also, find which field would possibly be right for you. Looking at this game, you seem about the same in all areas.
Keep on scaring!
-Arkas Tanner
Hey guys Just wanted to let you know (DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!!) it will waste your life it's poorly made and rushed Just please dont waste your time Thank you :)
Is this even a game? There is only one note and 2 doors... I wasted my time playing this....thing -.-
THis game shouldnt be aloud to be played it is that bad it makes me sick and i want you to go fuck a sheep from now on when you think of this game
It's not scary at all, you literally probably got a vacuum cleaner and played it as the jumps are sound.
This a Old game Dont use this To Check My Experience I am better then this only used for cringing at thank you for your time