
Comments (32)

What do you think?

Pls make NBD v3 android

Si les pasa que cundo toca el botón de la cámara se sube y baja eso es porque se está emulado en un emulador de PC o eso es lo que entiendo y cuando toca la pantalla el mouse se queda hai y Hai que tocar otra parte le la pantalla para que deje de subir y de bajar espero que lo puedan solucionar y muchas gracias por hacer el port 👍

Is this made from the Clickteam Android Exporter?

Will there be android port for fnati nbd V3?


Nightmare Before Disney V1: Android Port

Version: 1.0.0over 2 years ago
The original Nightmare Before Disney V1 ported to Android Devices!

Nightmare Before Disney V2: Android Port

Version: 1.0.0about 3 years ago
Might have some bugs, dunno :/

This is not a official port, in fact, it might have some bugs.

All rights goes to Malrat and Disney (Plus Scott Cawthon)

P.S: Couldn't find any old pictures from the old Nightmare Before Disney Game page so i had to use what i could find :/

#fangame #fnaf #fnati #nbd

Mild Realistic Violence

Nightmare Before Disney V1 has been released as a way for make time doing the Nightmare Before Disney version from @Subwooferx3 + This mini sneak peek from the game, it's almost done! :)

-Brian K.


I've been trying to fix some personal problems lately and i ran out of time for keep making ports :(, but as a thank you for all the support, here's a mini sneak peek of what's coming next! ;)

-Brian K.

Sorry for the lack of updates, school hits me hard in the nuts :/

But currently i'm trying to port the Nightmare Before Disney version made by Subwoofer! :)

This game is mainly made for crappy devices in case you wonder why it's the V2.

50 Followers and i might port The End of Disney or any other fangame from Malrat!