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Neck crusher is a Guitar Hero parody which will help you develop the necessary musculature for hours and hours of head-banging in concerts. Its an Oculus-only game (no keyboard or mouse required) where you have to look at the notes as they approach. As a bonus, you can easily add your own songs.
To add custom songs :
Create a new folder in \Songs
Add a sheet music in '.chart' format (Guitar Hero fan sites have them, or you can create them yourself).
Add a video clip in 'Ogg Theora (.ogv)' format to illustrate the sheet.
Add a copy of the configuration file (.txt) found in other folders.
Tweak the 'Delta' value to synchronise the start of the clip and the start of the sheet.
Tweak the 'Speed' value to synchronise the speed of the clip and the tempo of the sheet.
Fan-made '.chart' files : (Requite free registration)
Ogg Theora converter : (Online and free, but there is probably a ton of other converter)
Custom songs pack - Don't Stay / Still Alive / Youre gonna go far kid (60Mo) :!wM822R7A!MoMhUW2TBHC_YBsKnUZ1QybV2iJgoMHhrmp1cOjq9Fk