Comments (3)
3 reasons this game is stupidly great: 1: the easter egg on the first world sent shivers down my spine 2: The game is silly and i love silly 3: the third world is really hard and the laser...... B R I M S T O N E (Brimstone is a item from The binding of isaac)
this is an archival page only here to store the game's old versions made on scratch
the rebooted version is hosted on itch.io: [link not yet available]
old description:
A game made for Gerwhit's totally cool and awesome winter game jam
scratch studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32644116
this is a game where you play as a young eyeball boy named galler and go on a quest across 3 worlds to get some good ice cream and stuff
with a unique OST made completely in chrome music lab lmao
community page: https://gamejolt.com/c/nimtt-5iayty
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence