Comments (10)
Game iz awesome, gonna give it a 4 becuse the ball is glitchy xD
I like the concept and the velocity of the ball very much. This could be awesome. Maybe you could create more characters, something like mario's turtles, that would interact with the ball. Maybe a more closed space also.
Keep it up. Retro pinball rules!
Such a large project to undertake. Was a good start but to buggy to actually play. I would start with something simpler. Good effort though.
Good start, but it seems pretty hastily put together. I didn't even tough the arrows, and the ball just kept going... 2/5
First or not, I expected something that tried to emulate the NES classic, Pinball. Instead, it's a pinball "table" made of blue squares and yellow circles. If it wasn't for how there were two Mario sprites present, the Nintendo part of the name would be completely irrelevant.
To top everything off, the game plays itself. I didn't need to touch the keyboard at all as the ball kept bouncing all over the place.
Nintendo Retro Classic Pinball
A first pinball game of my production.
Made by yours trully GameGuardian RUSH
*copyright 2014.