Comments (39)
Я надеюсь в будущем игра будет лучше, но идея хорошая :)
This is the oldest game to recieve the Unity 5 Update, the build will be ready in a few weeks
Things to note:
New bugs might be introduced
Bugs will be fixed
Bad jumpscares will be removed and fixed
The infamous Peaceful Forests references will be patched away
Reduced lag overall.
And remember. This game is NOT finished.
Sorry but I was not impressed, I could hardly move and I could walk though the house and the bear did not activate anything, that's as far as I got.
Youtube: FellowPlayer
May I make a video of your game No Name for my channel?
Try to get some attention for your game!
which one do i download?
Discontinued, and I was basically retarded when I made this back in 2014 so don't expect anything good.
Imagine being stranded in the middle of a spooky (as hell) forest, not knowing what to do..
And the only thing you've got is a flashlight with some terrible batteries that you forgot to change out before the trip, because you wanted to investigate some rumors about that forest..
This was my first attempt at a horror game, and yes, it sucks. Have a go at it.
**NOTE: This game is built using the same assets as Peaceful Forests : The Remake
So you may find SOME simillar things, like lens flares, trees, etc.
But all the scripts have been remade and improved.
**A DX11 and Shader Model 5.0 compatiable GPU
CPU: Atleast a Intel Core i3, Or better/Equalivent
RAM: Doesn't really matter, 4 GB should be enough
Disk space: Atleast 100 mb (as of 11th of july)
A human capable of seeing in dark environments