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no Safety

Version: 0.1.0about 7 years ago

no Safety

A minimalistic first-person horror puzzle

Second game made during my 1 Game A Week (#1GAW) challenge.

Notice! The web build has some issues with the mouse pointer not being centered. Especially if windows is expanded.

Story: As a result of bad habits, he is stuck in a dream world until he changes himself and stops taking the easy way out.

Features: A few puzzles and three different endings.

Goals: To make a first-person horror puzzle game. I came up with the puzzles and endings quite early, so focus lay on execution.

Results: The story became quite weak and I did not have enough time to tell it in the game. So, it is very lacking in that area. The puzzles may be a bit to obvious.

But I am quite happy with the result. A little polishing and it would resemble a real game.

As usual though I had problems with planning the programming design, this seems to be a big kryptonite of mine.

Also, all sounds ended up coming from the same source so the 3D sound feeling is non-existent.

Issues: A lot of last minute bugs that I had to take care of. A few loose ends and no ending animations.

Instructions: WASD to move, mouse to look, E to interact. Unfortunately no menu so alt+F4 to quit.

• Models:

• Textures

• Audio


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
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