Comments (39)
Sadly, I sucked! It was quite a fun experience though. I liked the details a lot. Like the healthbar being the background, and the little earthquakes when you double jump! The music was kind of distracting, but that's probably just a matter of taste. Nice job! :)
Really interesting game, though it does start to lag! I included it in part 39 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/r_0bNNU5Vpw

hey, i made a video of your game at https://youtu.be/okODdLpPzbQ if you want to check it out :)
Really quite an addicting game, would be better with a bigger window ;)
Non Violent Solutions
#indiesvsgamers Non Violent Solutions are here!
If you don't prefer installing games, here is the HTML5 version: http://pixelapestudios.com/Non-Violent-Solutions/
W(jump/rocket-jump/wall-jump) A(left) D(right)
Mouse to point gun.
Mouse Left-click for Single Burst
Mouse Right-click to toggle continous fire
' F' for Fullscreen Mode
Music Credits:
"Exhilarate" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed