Comments (10)
This will go down in history as the first comment of this game.
This is definitely just as good as the other Timore Remake, definitely enjoyed it just as much as the first one and it definitely was no slouch with the jump scares. Made a video on it.
Man, it would be so epic if it would be on mobile, I would make a gameplay of it. I really love Timore series, it was the scariest game of the past. I was afraid to watch a gameplay of Timore games before. Now I overgrown and can enter this nostalgia palace
​The game comes from a big survival horror game Timore Redo: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1688340/Timore_Redo/
Official remake of the original Nox Timore, that was released in 2014.
A nightmare, that you come back to every night. Mannequins. Darkness. Horror.