Comments (1)
I added NTGTFOI to my feature article on free games folks should check out this weekend! http://ambushedgamer.com/free-fly-friday-1/
It's a fun time, and I really enjoyed it. I accidentally came across that bar with the skeletons and was like...OH GOD. Great little game, I'd love to see more from you!
NTGTFOI - The Game
NTGTFOI (Need-To-Get-The-FK-On-It) The Game** is a Point-and-Drink Adventure Game designed and programmed by Nick Barnard to commemorate the 30th birthday of his buddy Matt Hartley.
Created in the style of classic 90's 'Point-And-Click' adventure games such as The Secret of Monkey Island and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, NTGTFOI is not, strictly speaking, a game. It's more of an interactive birthday card which will make little-to-no sense if you don't know Matt Hartley, or if you've never been to Altrincham, the town where he lives. Despite this, there may still be some laughs to be had for those who simply like a drink and a 90's Adventure Game, or - even better - both at the same time.
As the brave protagonist Matt Hartley, you must embrace your advancing years by going out for a night on the town. Explore bars, buy drinks, get drunk. Oh and Happy Birthday.
Ensure that all files are kept in the same folder on a local hard drive. No installation is necessary.
Run the game by launching 'NTGTFOI.exe'
Configure the game by launching 'WinSetup.exe'
All Saved games are deposited in C:\Users[username]\Saved Games\NTGTFOI\ on Windows Vista & 7
NTGTFOI - The Game
Version at time of upload - 1.0
Released - 16th May 2015
Written & Programmed by Nick Barnard
(c) Copyright Control TibSoft 2015
Sounds by BFXR
Additional music by Bjorn Lynne
Created using Adventure Game Studio