Comments (27)
Please could you make a patch that's compatible with v1.15? (The beta branch.) Only if you have time. Thanks!
can you update it for the v1.10 patch?
The game screen doesn't fill the border when in full screen mode. can you help me?
Consistently getting a crash after doing Pacify Jevil - Might be worth looking into :\c
There is a minor glitch: when fighting the Poppups you can no longer click on the X to close the windows. Something broke. It's not that important but just thought I should let you know.
NXRUNE Chapter 1&2 beta
Use this on the Steam v1.15 beta.
NXRUNE Chapter 1&2
Use this on Deltarune Chapter 1&2 v1.10.
Use this on DELTARUNE.
NXRUNE is a mod that adds DELTARUNE Switch contents to the PC version
Step 1: Make a backup of your game files
Step 2: Extract everything in the archive
Step 3: (ignore this step if you're installing NXRUNE Chapter 1&2) Replace DELTARUNE.exe with the one in the archive
Step 4: open deltapatcherlite included in the folder
Step 5: under Original Files select your file (if you're installing NXRUNE Chapter 1&2, make sure to download the latest version (through or update it on steam) otherwise it won't work)
Step 6: under xDelta patch select the .xdelta included the archive
Step 7: hit Apply patch and if you've done everything correctly you should be good to go
If you're getting an error saying "An error has occurred: xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT" click on the gear icon and disable "Checksum validation" then try applying again
(ignore this if you're installing NXRUNE Chapter 1&2) Due to how the Switch version handles saves, your PC save data will NOT work with this mod, you may need to backup incase you still want to play your current save file
For now, only 16:9 resolutions are supported.
(ignore this if you're installing NXRUNE Chapter 1&2) Your save file is located under C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\NXRUNE\Deltarune