Ores And Mobs: A Minecraft Mod (Demo)
Are you tired of playing the same basic Minecraft game? Not much new or something new? That's what this mod exists for! Ores And Mobs is a Minecraft mod made on a CELL PHONE by a 14-year-old boy called Sombra.The mod adds new ores, weapons, blocks, trees, mushrooms and many more!
The mod also brought changes to some textures such as the colors of trees and saplings and new particles present in the game.
What Does the Mod Have?:
•More than 100 items.
•Restoration of items, tree leaf blocks (Oak to Azaleas, with the exception of cherry trees)
•Some sounds have been replaced
When will the mod be released?
The mod has already been released but it was by another site called Planet Minecraft on the DashuriVenus account, this time it will be the final product that will be posted here on Gamejolt.The release of the final version will possibly be at the end of the year, when I have free time and the end of the school period in my country.
What devices is the Mod compatible with?
At the moment, I only know that it is mobile compatible and the Bedrock edition, I plan to do the Java edition soon
Does the mod bring something with new mechanics, achievements or something?
No, because it is a non-professional and completely AMATEUR mod, it does not have the same level as mods like Alex Mobs and i just do it for fun :)
That is all!! Keep an eye out for news 👀 #other #mod #minecraft #adventure #survival