Comments (9)
I found that to be much more difficult than I originally thought and that guy is super scary. Not sure if it is worth $5 plus tax but the free demo will certainly help it and if people know about the itch website its currently on offer there. 5/5.
YouTube: Fellowplayer
I love the style of this game!! Oh my god i cant get over this! I have been looking for a 3D Maze game that has this kinda style for soo long! I gotta give it to ya! If you dont make a second one to this I dont know what else i will spend my money on. I bought this game but i accidentally didnt use my account so i gotta re buy it. Its ok i already gave you extra money.
Take my wallet! Thank you for this! If you need me to sponsor another game lemme know just put a easter egg of me in there somewhere lol. Thanks for this! I played it on my youtube channel and everyone loved it! Hopefully I can get the word out there! Keep going and make more!!!
Also the big head man made me scream like a little girl. I cant wait to do more episodes of this on my playthrough! Keep going!
CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoFAjaKRdHk&t=36s
Oh boy, this game once and for all affirms that I have no sense of direction! But I love the style, very retro (which I always appreciate). Wasn't expecting Mr. Giant Head Man (is that Ogglar?) either!
I may very well give the full version a whirl one day!
Great work, looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!
I liked the art in the game. Idk why there's a health bar, very disturbing... :P
Game Soundtrack
Kaleidoscopic Emerald Maze
An action / puzzle FPS influenced by 90's labyrinth style games.
Lots of traps, alien artifacts, liquid mirrors, lasers and sentinels!
Cyber-organic textures, strange crystals, forgotten fountains, bizarre machinery!
Return to GOLDAK's Domains!
You will need all your persistence, stealth, memory and nerves!
The game is not a shooter. No zombies, soldiers, bad guys or targets! *
Other ways to support the game is to get your own
awesome T-shirts and Wall Art posters here:
Game history:
You are Ikkarius, a young brave one from the bright galactic-melting star called Zaxxyn.
Told by myths and the Prophecy, the sacred and fearsome high judges called The Bolgyys chose you for a well-known deadly test…
Your father Solitann, and your mother Alddara waits patiently your return from the Mazes of Ogglar, located at occult dimensions outside your home planet space-time.
If you return alive from the maze, the elder judges will consent you with the highest honor: Integrate the legendary warrior's tribe called Ethok.
The Ethokians are rarely seen, but legend tells that the brave team of warriors and dimensional explorers keep safe many planets and its occult spaces…
Minimum hardware requirements:
Processor: 1,4 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB or better
Mild Fantasy Violence