
Explore an underground castle and learn a tragic story about a princess and a king.
This game takes about 15-30 minutes to complete.
Project Goals
I haven’t made many story games before and wanted to try making a complete experience.
I tried to focus on one specific feeling for the story, art, and music choice. I wanted the game mechanics and events to directly relate to the story. Finally, to add to the artsy mood, I wrote everything in iambic pentameter with five-line stanzas.
The final product is the artsy-and-kinda-pretentious story-adventure game that is OIUUOIUOUI. I hope you enjoy!
I did all programming, art, and writing.
All sound effects and ambient sounds were downloaded from https://www.pacdv.com/sounds/index.html and https://opengameart.org.
The fire crackling sound was taken from this video.
The font is “Deutsch Gothic“ from here.
I used the following soundtracks generously provided by their creators:
The title is from the random keyboard smashes I did when I first made the project.