Comments (39)
Omnibelief! Phase 3.5

I did it
i tried it and i just got a black screen i tried 20 times and wait 10 mins once how to fix
Why is there ink papyrus
Omnibelief! Phase 3.5
{Scratch version}: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/438911131/
Omnibelief consists of Omni-style Disbelief AUs and relative AUs (like Last Breath)
But not only that, according to each phase, the game has more glitchs, and why? There is still no exact reason for that, sorry
well, is this Omnibelief? Basically yes
Final ver. of the game.

Menu Music 1: Backbone theme reversed and slow down
Menu Music 2: Undust phase 3 theme reversed
Menu Music 3: Slaughter in the Spotlight reversed
Sprite: UnderTale (DisBelief) Sans by Toby Fox
Theme: BackBone by Lone/Sean Evans
Sprite: UnderSwap (DisTrust) Papyrus by Papyron 95
Theme: Humerus by BenyiC03
Sprite: UnderFell (MisBelief) Sans by idk
Theme: Rise The Demon V2 by MrSebas 25
Sprite: OuterTale (OutBelief) Sans by Addicted2Eletronics
Theme: Spacebone by Gaster_Master TV
Sprite: UnderFresh (RadBelief?) Sans by NateT-G
Theme: ??? by.... Russian Name idk sorry
Sprite: StoryShift (Hopeless) Chara by comic-Ace17
Theme: Fires Of Despair by FabiXM
Sprite: DustTale (DustBelief) Sans by Tmntleo15
Theme: Broken Bones by Pritxxus Zone
Sprite: SpongeTale (SpongeBelief?) Patrick by TheIronScyther
Theme: Invertebrated by Smash Bandicoot
Sprite: DifferentShift (DisBelief Tails) Sonic by MrMemehog
Theme: Confronting Yourself by superdf
Sprite: Tales Of Nightmare (DisBelief Minty) Pavo by SomeUnderGuy/SpaceSpade
Theme: ??? by Abra Kadabra
Sprite: UnderTale (Last Breath) by P0ngy
Theme: The Slaughter Continues by Benlab
Sprite: UnderTale: HardMode (DisBelief: HardMode) Sans by My Edit
Theme: Broke Spine by Nelchael Nelchabarren
Sprite: Horrortale (???) Sans by ???
Theme: Bad Girl by deezer
Sprite: DustSwap (DustTrust) Papyrus by Jackrlad
Theme: Slaughter in the Spotlight by BenyiC03
Sprite: DustShift (DustHope) Chara by ???
Theme: Retaliation of the Murderer by LeDauk
Sprite: DustFell (MistBelief) Sans by Nerveabhorrence
Theme: Vicious Death by Valor Genesect
Sprite: TS! UnderSwap (same) Papyrus by Nerveabhorrence
Theme: The Final Rupture by fun.
Sprite: AlterTale (???) Toriel by DiegomanCo
Theme: Dynami V2 NITRO Remix
Sprite: SwapFell (DisCord) Papyrus by P0ngy
Theme: Whiplash by Triple Threat
Sprite: DustFellSwap (MistTrust) Papyrus by ???
Theme: Dustcord phase 3 but reversed
Sprite: DustSwapSwap (UnDust) Sans by Melo
Theme: Slashed Jaw by Mr rapty/Doxin
Sprite: StorySwap(color?) (???) Asriel by Papyron95
Theme: Backstab by yamo
Sprite: DustSwapFell (DustCord) Papyrus by Melo
Theme: ??? by TheFlameLord
[UPDATE 2.0.2]
Sprite: OuterFell (idk) Sans by AYGoftenover
Theme: ??? by Kamren Williams
Sprite: SwapSwap (FaithLess) Sans by DiegomanCo
Theme: ??? by ???
Sprite: FellHorrorDust (idk) Sans by CARNO-POWER
Theme: i lost the theme.. sorry
Sprite: DustDust (DustDustBelief) Sans by TheFlameLord
Theme: lost the theme too
Sprite: FellSwap (FellSwap MisTrust) Papyrus by DiegomanCo
Theme: Darkness in the judgement by Mega
Sprite: SwapSwapFell (idk) Sans by P0ngy
Theme: Altercation by Darks
Sprite: UnderTale Gaster Blaster by Toby Fox
Sprite: UnderFell Gaster Blaster by @Ficha
Sprite: DisBelief Gaster Blaster by LuckyStudios.
Sprite: Xtale Gaster Blaster by Dragon8er
Sprite: Gaster by ??? (sorry)
Sprite: "Determination" Chara by Cyonica
Sprite: Cross (Xtale) Sans by ??? (sorry again)
Sprite: InkTale Papyrus by C3POwsome and my edit