Comments (3)
Interesting but the maths involved annoy me. For example the first level you say you have a 99.9% chance of going through but only 1 option, surely that means it should be 100%.
The following levels seems fairly straight forward. 50% two options 25% 4 options. Then we get 17% which has 5 options. if you have 5 options then surely your chance is 20% of selecting the correct option!
One Hundredth
One Hundredth is an experimental game about human stubbornness and will to accomplish certain objective. On the first level of the game you have 99.9% of chance to get to the next level, on the last level you only have one hundredth of a chance. To win the game you must rely on your luck and pass through 12 levels. In the process of creating I added some items and upgrades to make the game easier. Still it's not easy to finish it. I's a weird game, I hope it's somewhat enjoyable.
Use your mouse to navigate around the level and left click on one of percent icons to see if you can pass through. If you get to the next level the score multiplier will increase by 1. If you lose and get back to the first level you will lose your current score and multiplier. To keep current score click TAKE button. The multiplier will reset, but you will get to keep current points.
From time to time there will show little bubbles. If you click them you either gain an amount of points it contains or lose some of your points, so be careful.
Secret levels:
One every level you have a chance to find a secret level on those you can gain more points.