Comments (144)
This qualifies as a fan game, and I'm okay with those, as long as they don't use my images.
birthday boy blam = bill chiper?
http://i.imgur.com/ljH4IaE.jpg can i do some art?
~~For everyone who think that the game is canceled!~~
Game won't canceled! Just, i have less time than it was at summer! So i decided to be on gamejolt very rare! I working for the game for all of you! sometimes i will be here for tell you about progress and other information! If i'm offline it's don't means that i don't make this game! Did you know? i'm making the game alone, all arts, sounds and programming! I can't make it all for a little time! So be happy and wait for Halloween! Bye!
BBB looks like a girl
Gurl tvir hf gurve ubcrf, ab punaprf gb fhei66vir, jr jvyy or sbetbggra sberire! V jba'g qb 6vg! Vg'f gur raq, sbyxf, vs fbzrguvat unf orra pnapry66yrq guna vg'f gur bayl bar evtug pubvpr! Gunax lbh nyy sbe guvf fhccb66eg, znlor vg'f gur bar gu66vat, gung znqr zr qb vg! Ohg, V thrff gbzbeebj vf nabgure qnl! Lbh pna ernq n tbbq obbx,66 cynl va uvqr-naq-frrx jvgu lbhe sevraqf, be abg sev6666raqf, jub xabjf? Cyrnfr, sbetvir zr sbe zl gvzr-fgrn6y! Naq lbhe cnva666, be lbhe tynq, V qhaab! Vg'f gur raq...
13 letters back
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed