Bin.Dim. Chapter 0: weird hacking
BinaryDimension is a 1D game. That mean there is no world space in the game. You can tell that this game just doesn’t exist itself… You have been access only to the easier 2D graphic representation of the game, but that’s only a tool to reaching the uncovered world that nobody can describe!.. While playing you will touch a few sketches, computer files and sounds that you must imagine like a full world. Your own personal dimension, that no one excepting you can feel…
Game Idea:
BinaryDimension was created from vision of telling story that will be different to each player, that’s an interactive non visible world. I won’t tell you who are you, I won’t tell what you must to do… I won’t tell you what happens before. I won’t tell you how to play that game, that’s your story and you must to solve it! That’s the point!
P.S. I can only invite you that from your view you will be operating a personal computer with an unknown system built-in.
Engine & Mechanics:
Yes, the game was created in Unity, but for making it like I want I created a full bunch of operating scripts that in connection give me an internal, original subsystem, named (by me) “Arteon Subsystem”. So the real contribution of Unity Engine is only the graphics, this is some about 20% of all work I do (the game was created in a three mounts). About my (sub)engine I can tell that every core calculation and changes are initiating (realtime) in a one directional list of items, so that’s why all game is called “1D”. in a word, this game is much different that other Unity games.
*Little warning: You must remember that this is my first PUBLISHED game. I know that my (sub)engine is quite not comparative with Unity engine and you can experience some little bugs in the game. I have been tested my game maybe a 100 times and they still sometimes appeared.
I must to tell you that this game will have a continuation in a such different game, that’s because of a sad side of my work. Some day I and my friend has a meeting, he said “Hey! I like your idea, let’s create a game of it!” and we started work… but in the depending of time I was forced to cancel works of that idea and transform it into something other. I don’t mean that this game is worse than the original, I am very satisfied with this game. The solusion of that story is that I will reopen that original project to make a next game of it!, joined by a story with actual.
P.S. Also I should soon make an debugging update to that game and post that missing content, but I don’t swear…
If you want you can also ask me about what’s next or maybe some explain of the game plot, or just create an opinion, I’m also very opened to your theorists about “what happened”, and remember that in difference of other developers I really want to tell you that story…