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Version: 0.1.0almost 4 years ago

This is simple "space game" featuring a mini-rocket orbital vehicle situated nearby a very small planetary body. The goal is simple enough--see if you can get the vehicle into a stable orbit. Of course, this may be easier said than done; but it is possible using such tools as the laws of Kepler and Newton...


  • Keyboard up arrow: Forward (main) thruster

  • Keyboard down arrow: reverse ("brake") thruster

  • Keyboard "z" key: z- (left) thruster

  • Keyboard "x" key: z+ (right) thruster

  • Keyboard "y" key: y- (down) thruster

  • Keyboard "u" key: y+ (up) thruster

  • Keyboard "w" key: pitch up thruster

  • Keyboard "s" key: pitch down thruster

  • Keyboard "a" key: yaw left thruster

  • Keyboard "d" key: yaw right thruster

  • Keyboard "q" key: roll left thruster

  • Keyboard "e" key: roll right thruster

  • F1: take Camera 1 (stationary camera)

  • F2: take Camera 2 (ship rear, "pilot" camera)

  • F3: take Camera 3 (ship front, "observation" camera)

  • Pan/tilt for all cameras: mouse right click and drag

  • Keyboard "r" key: reset the simulation


  • The "instrument" panels will give the following information:

    • Magnitude of the ship's total velocity vector ("Linear Speed")

    • Linear velocity vectors in x, y, and z directions in the ship's coordinate system. These are labeled "Vx," "Vy," and "Vz," respectively.

    • Linear acceleration vectors in x, y, and z directions in the ship's coordinate system. These are labeled "ax," "ay," and "az," respectively.

    • Angular velocity vectors in the ship's coordinate system for yaw, roll, and pitch

    • Distance of the ship from the surface of the planet ("Distance from Body")

    • The value of "g" based upon the ship's distance from the planet

  • A couple of details on the ship and the planet:

    • The mass of the ship is set to 1 kg

    • The radius of the planet is 400 meters

    • The mass of the planet is 7*10^13 kg. This gives the average density ~ 261,113 kg/m^3. Of course, this is not physically realistic, but to keep the simulation manageable, we use this value. In turn, this gives a value for "g" at the surface of ~0.03 m/s^2.

    • To keep things simple, the planet has no atmosphere. It is stationary and does not rotate.

  • Simulation created by Bernard Hall

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