
DEMO gamer
you played the first demo for orb party

geography nerd
browse the entire map in all modes

play multiplayer mode.

join orb partys social side

earn all the required orb tokens in orb clicker

smarter than the smarties
get the gem of knowledge

sharper than the sharpies
kill someone after huffestus sharpens your sword

do the sibling dance!
meet mlechy and nistaa

hoster coaster
beat city central in less than 1 hour

fashionable fellas
100% the fashion reaction minigame

henry the VII
divorce 2 trolls, behead 2 trolls, randomly kill 1 troll and spare one troll

movie night
unlock and watch every cutscene in cinema mode

theater kid
listen to every song in juke box mode

100 guys go to waste
congrats! you killed 100 people in game!

kill 600 people in game.