
Comments (84)

What do you think?

Pretty fun game.
I discovered it thanks to a "DONG" (Do Online Now Guys) video posted by Vsauce3

A quick suggestion; Make the game less randomized, and more strategy based. Righ now, if you are running low on supplies, you either have to get really lucky, or you are screwed. I'm not saying take out all of the randomized bits, just have it be more of a strategy game.

This game is so ... so ... Amazing ... I loved ... I played 38 times and I'm still playing ... I hope they finish making the game so I can continue loving and playing non-stop

Awesome game got here from vsuace 3

Great game, however the food limit is too low compared to the rate of them eating.


Orion Trail (Prototype)

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

Orion Trail Prototype - Windows

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

In a sense, Orion Trail is Oregon Trail meets Star Trek.

You play as a starship Captain, and you must make the tough decisions that one faces along the Orion Trail.

Your goal is to, well, survive. You'll encounter a variety of strange, stupid and terrifying things on your journey, and it's up to you to ensure that your ship and crew make it to the end.

You start the game by selecting your Captain, Officers and Ship. Each of these provide a bonus to your ability to respond to events in one of five ways: Offense, Tactics, Diplomacy, Science and Bravado.

The key survival is balancing your resources. Each encounter will increase or decrease them, depending on the outcome of the action you took. So, while you may be really good at Offense, you might need to use Diplomacy to get some tasty food.

See the in-game instructions for more info!

This game is just a prototype! If you liked what you played, back us on Kickstarter!

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Orion Trail has Launched on Steam!

Full Game Available for Pre-Order!

3 Days Left on our Kickstarter!

A Tale of Prototypes

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