Comments (8)
this probably isnt the best place to ask, but i couldnt find anything else
how do i make mods
What does this do?
How can I find the installation path?
That sounds so familiar...
OneShot ModLoader is an open-source mod loader for OneShot.
To begin, you'll first need to E
nsure that you have a fresh install of OneShot with no mods. If you're absolutely certain you've never modified the game files, you can skip this step.
Fresh Install:
--Right click on OneShot in your steam library, click on P
roperties > Local Files and click Browse.
--Select everything and delete it.
--Now just uninstall OneShot and reinstall it and you should be ready to roll!
(It's not recommended to just verify the integrity of the game files once you delete everything, so reinstall it instead.)
--The same process, just delete everything and reinstall it.
Setup Instructions:
--Now that you have a fresh install of OneS
hot, click the Setup button and paste the path to your OneShot installation.
Installing Mods:
--Drop the mod(s) you want to install into the Mods folder.
--Click the Mods button, highlight your mod(s) in the I
nactive Mods list and click Add to List.
(Mods listed higher than others will have higher priority.)
--Once done, click Apply Changes and wait.
--All done! Just run OneShot.
How about when I want to uninstall my mod?
--Just remove your mod from the Active Mods list and click Apply Changes again.
Q: Will there be a L
inux or MacOS port?
A: It's very likely that a Linux port will happen, but not as much a Mac port. If you want to give a Mac port a spin though it's totally open source: https://github.com/samelgamedev/osmodloader
Q: Help, I found a bug! What do I dO
A: Contact me! There are a few places you can do this:
--My Discord: samelgamedev#2192
--My Twitter: @SamelAndMolly
--My Tumblr: https://samelgamedev.tumblr.com/
--Or email me: samelgamedev (at) outlook (dot) com
Alternatively, you could ask around in # world-machine in the OneShot Discord Server or in the ModShot Discord Server (the former of which I am not currently in) for someone to help, the invites to which you can find here:
OneShot Server: https://discord.gg/OneShot
ModShot Server: https://discord.gg/YRd8xMmde3
Q: Huh, the main menu looks kinda empty...
A: I'm glad you noticed! There's some talk of adding a page for browsing mods on GameJolt or a repo, similar to TModLoader's mod browser. There's no guarantee that this will happen, but it's very possible.
Code, Sound:
--Samuel J. N
ewsome (samelgamedev)
Logo Graphic: