Comments (9)
very avarage, but has a lot of potential. add some more frames to the animation, add more powerups, and more freedom in the moving. so, add more to the game, and polish it up a bit, and id say it has the potential to be one of the top rated. btw, vary nice art, looks beautiful.
Sorry, you ran out of time during the jam, Glad you finished it anyways! Very cute looking and sounding game, I think the balance is perfect for a bite size endless runner. Nice work!
Fun little time killer! I had fun.
Here's my let's play!
Very fun to play, like the music also. Good job.
also, i really hpe to see more done with this :)
Ostrich Run
Survive a ferocius cheetah and run for as long as possible in this endless runner MiniGame.
Press Keyboard Down Key to eat food underground.
Press Space to trigger a Speed power Up.Don't eat too much or you'll lose a life.
Originally meant to be an entry for Ludum dare 29, with theme "Beneath the surface". Unfortunately, we ran out of time, but we completed this later.
Art: Andrea Vela
Programming: Mauricio Labarca
Music: "Fun in a bottle" by Kevin McCleod :
Keyboard buttons art made by Xelu licensed under Public Domain:
Any other resources made with Unity, Uitoolkit, Gimp, Shoebox, Sfxr, etc.
Mild Cartoon Violence