Comments (1)
Seriously cool twist on the classic. Flawless implementation, so if it was an original idea, I'd give it a 5 :)
A tetris, with a twist !
This is a remake of what seems to be a completely unknown game : Overtris.
I found this game in a computer magazine back around year 2000, and its specificity really impressed me at the time, for the originality of the idea, the impact on the gameplay and the feeling it procured, and the technical achievement it seemed to represent for a DOS PC game.
To this date, I never encountered the equivalent of it, except for First Person Tetris, which is yet very different.
So remaking it was both the only way I found to let people play this game, and a good way for me to learn gamemaker ^_^
So, it's a Tetris game, but with an unusual mechanic that I'd rather not describe here : I'd rather leave the surprise to the player, like I was really surprised when I discovered it myself.
(well, I changed screenshots in order to raise interest a little, so maybe things are clear from those now)