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Why not games all?
Es un spinoff de los juegos originales. Un niño llegó a ver por la tv a la famosa serie de televisión "Fazbear & Friends", y le encantaba la serie, incluso tenía mercancía de la misma. Pero su hermana mayor siempre le contaba historias de terror sobre la serie. Desde cosas como que se utilizaban huesos de niños para efectos especiales, y que habían cadaveres muertos dentro de las botargas del local en el que la serie esta basada. La hermana tenía una mente realmente retorcida, y atormentó de tal manera al niño, que cada vez que ve la serie recuerda esas traumantes historias. El niño ya no podia ver más animatronicos o algo relacionado. Su hermana sabía el daño que le hacía, pero no paraba. El niño tenía pesadillas, no podía dormir, se sentía solo y asustado todo el tiempo, y había escuchado una historia de un niño que cayó en coma tras su cabeza ser aplastada por un animatronico llamado "Fredbear". El ya no quería seguir viviendo esa miseria de vida. Le decía a sus padres pero no respondían. El simplemente estaba aislado y traumado. Su hermana compraba y destrozaba mercancía de la serie delante de él, quemandola y sacándole burbujas de plástico y rompiendo las figuras. El niño veía como esas adorables figuras se transformaban en mounstros retorcidos. El tuvo tantas pesadillas, que ya las pesadillas las sentía tan largas, como si fuesen noches. Tiene que sobrevivir en sus pesadillas, o sino... MORIRÁ
It is a spinoff of the original games. A child has seen on TV the famous television series "Fazbear & Friends", and he loved the series, even had merchandise of it. But her older sister always told him horror stories about the series. From things like bones of children were used for special effects, and dead bodies were inside the animatronics of the place where the series is based. The sister had a really twisted mind, and tormented the child in such a way that every time he watches the series he remembers those traumatic stories. The child could no longer see more animatronics or something related. His sister knew the damage he was doing, but it did not stop. The child had nightmares, could not sleep, was lonely and scared all the time, and had heard a story of a child who fell into a coma after his head was crushed by an animatronic called "Fredbear". He did not want to continue living that misery of life. He told his parents but they did not respond. He was simply isolated and traumatized. His sister bought and destroyed merchandise of the series in front of him, burning it and removing plastic bubbles and breaking the figures. The child saw how those adorable figures transformed into twisted monsters. He had so many nightmares, that nightmares felt so long, as if they were nights. You have to survive in your nightmares, or else ... YOU WILL DIE
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed