
It seems as if Boyfriend got bored and and once again slips through the barriers parting dimensions using Dave's technology in hopes of seeing something cool.
NOTE: There's cool swears your parents will hate, and lots of em!! If this bothers you or you wanna show this to someone you don't want seeing that, go to settings and turn on "Kiddomode". It'll censor any and all vulgarity featured in the mod. Similarly, you can turn on "Disable Weed" to remove mentions and depictions of weed, as substance use can be triggering for some.
Big things are planned for this mod, including...
An overarching story spanning four weeks (one for each update)
Point-and-click sections between Story Mode songs to truly let the sights of this strange side of the world shine
Custom menus (i am very proud of them)
Secrets and unlockables galore
Pages of lore, art, and more to browse
Adjustable difficulty
Cutscene's..peakof dave and bambi cinema.....
And, as per usual with these kinds of adventures, a myriad of silly characters, old and new faces alike!
i love the dave mod so much