
Comments (8)

What do you think?

It's a simple game and enjoyable from time to time. I mean sometimes you run out of bullets to you must run. LOL. I also incountered a bug on level three. Where the gun didn't reload and I had technicly infinite ammo but I still died due to my health. Overall great game and can't wait to see v0.0.2 .

I love the idea of this game. Reminds me of a crossover of L4D and SAS Zombies. But, there are some things I think could be better as you develop it. I made a video highlighting the game and what I thought about it here! Keep up the good work.

its a good game but at some times it your gun wont reload it just goes into negitives

i little to hard to kill zombies but otherwise great game!

welcome in my kitchen


Pixel4Dead Demo

Version: 0.0.3over 4 years ago

This game will be continued.



I've had my own Discord server for a while, so feel free to join if you want ^^


Hello, there's a note that i want to leave.

I will be not able to relase first Relase of Pixel4Dead, 'cause i dont have enough things in this game.

As a replacement i will try to relase first alpha. Sorry for interrupting - Creator


New content is going to be added to the game.

I'm currently working on new design for this game.

I wanna make it feels like roguelike, so stay tuned!

Version 0.0.3 is relased!
In this version i fixed some bugs, nerfed zombies and redesigned menu.
Also i added Pause menu to the game! (Just click Esc while playing)