Comments (14)
When will this game completed?
Really nice game. I had fun playing it even if i didn't find all special moves... Haha :D . I'll follow next updates with interest.
I apologize for my English, I'm not very good at this. =)
Yie-Ar Kung Fu was in arcades and made for the famicom and gba.
Paint Fight 0.3
Game Soundtrack
Bonus Stage
- 1.Bonus Stage
- 2.Bruno Stage
- 3.Credits
- 4.Game Over
- 5.Jah Stage
- 6.Joe Stage
- 7.Lee Stage
- 8.Matt Stage
- 9.Mike Stage
- 10.Packal Stage
- 11.Select
- 12.Title
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/MulticMatt
My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiCMatt
Paint Fight is a pixel fighting game made with the engine M.U.G.E.N, inspired of the game Yie-Ar Kung Fu (NES).
The game was made long ago when I was younger and had no experience in developing games, and each graphic was made with the program Paint.
The game offers a very high difficulty, six playable characters, and two final boss.
Command List v0.3:
Name | Description
combo | down, forward, x or y
light expansion | down, back, x
strong expansion | down, back, y
short ascension | forward, forward, a
long ascension | forward, forward, b
air ascension | (air) forward, forward, a or b
*combo+ | down, forward, x+y
*expansion+ | down, back, x+y
*ascension+ | forward, forward, a+b
**super | down, back, down, back, x or y
**super combo | down, forward, down, forward, x or y
Name | Description
combo | down, forward, y or b
light proyectile | down, back, x
strong proyectile | down, back, a
ascension | down, back, b or y
air ascension | (air) down, back, y or b
*combo+ | down, forward, x+b
*ascension+ | down, back, y+b
*proyectile+ | down, back, x+a
**super | down, back, down, back = z or c
**super combo | down, forward, down, forward = z or c
Name | Description
combo | back, forward, back, y ó b
light electric ball | forward, back, forward, x
strong electric ball | forward, back, forward, a
short ascension | down, forward, b
long ascension | down, forward, y
air ascension | (air) down, forward, b or a
*electric ball+ | forward, back, forward, x+a
*combo+ | back, forward, back, y+b
*ascension+ | down, forward, y+b
**super | down, back, down, back, z ó c
**super combo | down, forward, down, forward, z or c
Name | Description
combo | down, forward, back, x or a
projectile | down, back, forward, x or a
slow expansion | forward, down, forward, x
fast expansion | forward, down, forward, a
short ascension | down, forward, y
long ascension | down, forward, b
air ascension | (air) down, forward, a or b
*assault | down, forward, back, y+b
*projectile+ | down, back, forward, x+a
*expansion+ | forward, down, forward, x+a
*ascension+ | down, forward, y+b
**super | down, forward, back, z or c
**super combo | down, back, forward, z or c
Name | Description
fast turning kick | abajo, atras, a
slow turning kick | abajo, atras, b
fast combo | abajo, adelante, x
slow combo | abajo, adelante, y
short ascension | forward, forward, a
long ascension | forward, forward, b
air ascension | (air) forward, forward, a or b
*assault | abajo, adelante, x + y
*projectile+ | abajo, adelante, atras, a+b
*ascension+ | forward, forward, a+b
**super | abajo, atras, abajo, adelante, a ó x
**super combo | abajo, adelante, abajo, adelante, x or y
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence