Comments (4)
versión de wii u?
Very nice concept! I included it in my compilation video series of the 356 Indies Jam, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/4pCyYPIdOpo
Bom jogo, mas deveria ser maior
Muito bonito, merece mais nÃveis!
Paper Wings
A game were you are a paper bird that came from a drawing made by your son, that make the sea and the sky together, the only moment that all of u are together. he loves the sea and u the sky, but u died on a plane crash acident, and now in a form of a paper bird u try to protect him
The first fase of the game u are in her room and need to change things that shoud not be there, like nightmares, like move a blanket to her to protect him from cold, while she is sleeping... the history is not definitive, and beacause it is a jam game, i am only making the first fase in her room.. maybe i do some changes in the history... later... i am from Brasil, Campinas, student of eletrical engenier at sao carlos...#365indiesjam
--https://www.twitch.tv/paperwings_gj_/profile ---stream-- all the game creation process as the modeling, programing was recorded in this channel