Comments (1)
I love the challenge, and the overall look/feel of the game. The multiple endings are a nice touch and is a great incentive to get better times. Great job!
Para Para Paranoid is a retro platformer created in 48 hours for the 2012 Global Game Jam (Uruguay edition). You play as Veronica, a girl who is trying to confront her past while dealing with her demons. She must collect all her memories and avoid the demons, so she can find herself....
Team ParaParaParanoid consisted of:
Sebastián García - Programming/Game Design/Art/Valiant Leader
Giselle Ruiz - Level Design
Federico Rivero - Programming
Gervas Della Ratta - Art/Character Design
Cooptrol (aka Hernán Gonzáles) - Music
Erb - Art/Character Design/Me
If you like the game, check out Sebastián García's blog @