
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Too bad I don't use Game Maker. This utility does look interesting... Good job.

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Version: 0.7.1about 6 years ago

Particulum is a particle designer tool for Game Maker Studio. With Particulum you can easly and visually create and manipulate particles systems and types very fast and easy. You can then save your project and export the GML to use in your projects. #other #utility #gamemaker #particle #xcreator #development #tool


-Some bug fixes

Pariculum 0.7.0 - New Release

Hello friend! Particulum 0.6.0 is out!
- New interface with more options to control the particles
- New window size
- Some bugs fixed
Have a nice day my friends!
@YoYoGames #gamemaker #xcreator #utility

Hello my friends! I am proud to announce my particle creation utility for Game Maker Studio : Particulum, now with it you will be able to design your particles easly and fast,! Design your beatifull particles then export to GML. Easy ?