Comments (9)
Stop coming at me, you peas, I will boil you and eat you !
Really fun, wish I was better at it. :/
I did a short let's play on it, check it out.
It's fun, and i like how you can use the other food to hide, and also how you can't just kill the peas from half-way across the plate.
Loved It, I'm playing on my laptop upstairs.. And most my keys are broken.. And so I ripped the little parts off of them.. inside the down arrow key is this spikey thing so when I tried to use it I stabbed my finger and start bleeding.. But can't blame it on the game.. I blame my computer XD
Peas Vs Corn
Kill those peas, like there's no tomorrow. Use the WASD keys to move and the Mouse to shoot. Pay attention to the power-ups that show up on the map, you are really going to need them.
Mate as ervilhas, como se não houvesse amanhã. Use as teclas WASD para se mover e o Mouse para atirar. Preste atenção nos power-ups que aparecem no mapa, você vai realmente precisar deles.