Comments (15)
i like game also dawko made a vid on it :)
Edit: **Executive producer: The**
What are the requirements in teh game
Pen Pal
You are startled from sleep in the middle of the night by an unannounced visitor knocking on your door. Your first feeling after clearing the sleep from your head is annoyance at whoever has disrupted your rest. Getting up from your bed, you tread downstairs as the cold hardwood floor stings your bare feet. At the foot of your front door is a letter from somebody you don't know, asking for nothing but someone to talk to. Respond to this request however you wish, but just keep in mind...
Not all strangers are meant to be trusted...
Pen Pal is a short, interactive, horror experience in which the player is able to choose their responses to mysterious notes that you're being sent by a stranger in the dead of night. The course of the game may change in small ways depending on the way you reply, eventually leading to one of two endings which can be achieved. Pen Pal can be played only on Windows 64 bit.
Game created by Eli Stevens
Beta testing by Patrick Michels
Some help with writing by Lemon
Game made with Unreal Engine 4