Comments (256)
If the "If anyone here is thinking of something naughty right now, raise your hand!" moment with Rise isn't here, im going to shit.
I hope this game doesn't have USELESS characters.
we need a persono golden. it must happen. it just has to there is no way around it.
Now that's what I call game!!! Why aren't @RottyTopaz working at Atlus??
Peak Persona
PersoNO Full Release
This... BEAST of a game in it's finished state!
Please report any and all bugs encountered while playing.
The only currently known bug in the game right now is one that I'm not sure how to fix due to it being an error with RPG Maker VX Ace, the engine the game is built on, which causes a small chance to have the game crash when entering the TV World. Until a solution is found, just make sure to always save before entering the TV World.
Now let's all just pray the game is able to work functionally for the most part despite how incompetent I may be!
Game Soundtrack
Secret Base - Elevator Mix
I am no longer using this account or working on these games, but there's a neat-looking fan project expanding upon the game if you're interested in a more recent, actively worked on version of the game.
Per-so-NO is a dumb original parody of Persona 4, about lies, betrayal and mystery...
...Or maybe just an idiot with no eyes and his group of friends who for the most part are either scared of him or hate him.
Located in the glorious nation of Dubbed Japan, the small town of Inaba is suddenly struck with a terrible incident... the arrival of Useless Narukami, who can be easily identified by his constant wearing of sunglasses. To most people, he appears to be a massively unlikable weirdo with a libido big enough to crush continents, but in reality, he is a massively unlikable weirdo with a libido big enough to crush continents WITH THE HEART OF GOLD KIND OF. He moved from the city to the rural town due to very vague reasons involving his parents' jobs. How a job they are doing could require their child to have to live with his uncle in a small town for exactly a year before moving back is better left out of the question. But, soon after arriving, it all goes to bad when after the mysterious death of a woman in the town, Useless discovers he has the ability to stick his hand into his TV! At first it only appears to be a neat party trick, but after a foreplay joke or two, him and his newly found "friends" end up discovering a world that can only be accessed through entering a TV! Long story short, being that Useless is a special snowflake, he ends up with a massive dude with a flat cap and lead pipe living inside of his mind, the voice in his head called it a "Purse Owner" or something, and now with this power, him and his greatest buddies must venture into the TV World and slay shadows (copyright free .pngs with masks on) to learn the truth behind the mysterious murders going on in Inaba.
At Least a Full HOUR of Gameplay! - I don't actually know how long the game is, but I know for certain it's longer than an hour.
Stuff to Do! - There's a lot to see around the bastardized world of PersoNO, such as the social links, full of dialogue that might even be funny!
Absolutely Astounding(ly lacklustre) RPG Battles! - The game is full of epic battles against the shadow menace! I've tried my hardest to make the fights actually balanced but I'm kind of incompetent so... well... it MIGHT be a fair balanced game that's not too easy and not too hard... I mean it's not totally impossible.
Intense, Well Made ROMANTIC POSSIBILITIES! - Did you know that by technicality, this crappy parody is also a dating simulator? Because it is! It, in fact, contains ladies, and you can, in fact, seduce those ladies. You can date or at least attempt to date all of your favorite Persona waifus, assuming you're okay with all of them being bastardized in most aspects of their respective charactesr.
Multiple Endings! - How much effort I put into said alternate endings is irrelevant.
Openly Flirt With Yosuke! - Self explanatory.
Everything you loved about Persona 4 has been completely tainted in this stupid parody game. And also the stuff you didn't love was also probably tainted. Everything has been tainted.
Note: This game requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to run, which you can download for free here.
Other Note: This game follows Persona 4's plot quite faithfully, if you have not actually played Persona 4, first off, why are you playing a parody without knowing the source material, and secondly, if you intend on playing Persona 4 and do not want spoilers, I highly recommend playing it first.
And credit to all the brave men and women who put their lives on the line making space jam remixes everyday. All the makers of the slam jams and other crap I stole shamelessly will be credited in the actual in-game credits.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Use
Mature Humor