
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Amazing updates to see for this game! Great job

una joyita

Amazing game dev :D ​i'm excited for the full version

Here is a gameplay video of your game. Really love the graphics and the music. However, the instant death is possibly a problem which prevented me from getting further into the game.


Petal To The Metal Legacy Ver.

Version: 1.0.0almost 2 years ago

Petal To The Metal Godot Build

Version: 0.0.175 months ago
NOTE: This build is NOT the main build. Please download the LEGACY Version. This build is a Tech Demo to demonstrate the Godot Engine port. As of writing this, the only thing finished is the character's basic physics and movement. I will slowly update this over time to add all of the features from the Legacy build, once it's finished, This build will become the main build. There may still be some tweaks I need to make. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comment section.


This version of the game is the original Game Maker Studio version. Due to various reasons, I've decided to abandon this build, and I've begun porting the game to the Godot Engine. For historical purposes, I'm keeping this build-up and calling it the Legacy version. (for more info:

I will attempt to keep the game feel of the Godot version faithful to the GMS build, while also making adjustments that I feel are necessary. My goal, however, is unless you're comparing them side-by-side, they would seem identical. at the time of writing this (May 3, 2024) I feel as though I'm accomplishing that goal so far.  However I still have a lot of work to do and anything can happen, so we will see!

If you would like to test the Godot version of the game yourself, you can download it here. I will continue to post updates semi-frequently until the Godot build is on par with (or dare I say better?) then the Legacy build. Then development will continue from there.

PTTM is an action platformer where you take control of Lilly, a girl eager to kick robot butt!



WASD - Walk/Crouch/Stomp

SPACE/K - Jump

J - Attack



-If you press the crouch button while walking, Lilly will slide!

-Attacking in mid-air will make Lilly hover for a short time!

-Don't spam the spin kick! Lilly will get dizzy!

-Pressing the crouch button while in mid-air will make Lilly perform a stomp. Try stomping on enemies!



Game created and developed by Christopher Morris

Text engine provided by friendlycosmonaut:

Music/SFX created and produced by Christopher Morris

Some SFX provided by third parties

Sprite work: Christopher Morris

Characters design: Christopher Morris,

Concept artist:

Christopher Morris,

Reggie Anderson


Voice Actresses: (currently working with them. I will add their credits as the roles get finished)

Lilly: Xanya Clarke (Snowlette VA)

Kat: Nicolle Zambrano



Venus: Alexandria Morris


#adventure #retro #puzzle #other #platformer #action #flowey #scifi #shooter

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Tis the season

0.0.18 is up! This update adds some basic UI stuff, like a pause menu, and some adjustable settings.

Patch Notes:…

New Godot build is up! Major visual overhaul!

Patch Notes:…


I've begun adding backgrounds to the test area. Here is a glimpse at how it looks. I've made some slight adjustments to all of them, the main one being color

I've also added some lighting effects. below the forest is slightly darker than above the trees

Potential Health/stamina meter: