
P.D. - Peter Dreimour (The Catacomb Mods)
P.D. Is Back! But This Time, With Your Name Already Revealed!
This is a collection of mods for The Catacomb, and they can be run in DosBox.
Catacomb 3D Mods:
P.D. - Peter Dreemurr (Catacomb 3D Mod)
P.D. - Peter Dreimour 2 (Catacomb 3D Mod)
P.D. - Peter Dreimour 3 (Catacomb 3D Mod)
The Catacomb Adventure Series Mods:
Peter Dreimour INT-W (Catacomb Abyss Mod)
Peter Dreimour W-Shimori (Catacomb Armageddon Mod) (Coming Soon!)
Artist And Modifier: Puffle Dreemurr
Designer: Puffle Dreemurr
Mod Tester: Puffle Dreemurr


using WDC: Data Compiler, Create a new project in the "File" tab. Click on the "Data Base Folder" to find the files in the game folder. and also clicking on the "Output Folder" to create a copy of the game files in a new folder, and that's it!
Now find a program called "UGrab" and open it, go to the "Import" tab and click on "Import from EGAGRAPH", and the EGAGRAPH.C3D file appears, clicking on it, the game files appear. If you have already made some sprites for the mod, you will need to change some sprites from the original game by clicking the "Replace" button. and there you can find the sprites you made and then click them. and then, Catacomb 3D's sprites were swapped with their sprites. and what you will do, go to the "Export" tab and click "Export as EGAGRAPH".
in it you have to click on the same EGAGRAPH.C3D file to Replace, clicking on "Save". and a window related to a dictionary appears, select 3 options you want, whichever one you selected, you click "OK". and it tells you to create a text file, you can give this text file any name, and then "Save", and that's it! Do you think that's all? NO!
and my idea is this, go back to WDC: Data Compiler, create another new project, find the folder you exported from the project that was created, where you have the imported sprites in the "EGAGRAPH.C3D" file and select she. Go to "Output Folder" again and create a new folder for a new copy, selecting it, and that's it. Your EGAGRAPH sprites will appear there under the "Pictures" button. Now you are going to create some maps in WDC, have you finished making them? go to the "i" or "Project Information" button. clicking on it and it is already compiled, and then click on "OK".
and finally, I opened the DOS emulator (DOSBox) to find the game/mod that you compiled, clicked on the executable game, PERFECT, now your mod is working!
#3d #catacombseries #firstperson #fps #pd #peterdreimour #robots #singleplayer #dos #dosgame