
Comments (16)

What do you think?

This game was too scary for me to play. But here's my video anyway. No rhyming intended.

Hey there ! Thank you for creating that game! The pixelated and dark environment really built the scares up, to the point where when the monster ran towards me, I'd just cower away from the screen! XD. Unfortunately, I had to stop playing for my poor baby heart to survive 'till morning. Still, an amazing experience!

If you're interested, I've played that game (in the second part of the video, linked below) so you can check for yourself!



Version: 1.2.0almost 5 years ago

Phil is a short, pixelated and old retro style horror game. The premise of the game is very simple. You get home, the fuse box short circuits and you have to fix it. The game was just made for fun, something to enjoy and a small project I had an especially fun time making. The real question though, is if this game is really a horror game. Maybe it's something else.

#horror #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Intense Realistic Violence

Ah, feels nice to check back and see what's new- What!?!? Not a single person has beaten my game!?!? What more could I possibly give- Wait I know exactly what this game needs! A tutorial on how to beat it! Surely then someone will complete this game!


Version 1.2.0 Update

Added Difficulty Select: For those of you who pleaded for mercy. But how much mercy shall I give? Guess you'll see.

Added Starter Compass: The front door seems too allude many. But never fear! For a compass is here!

Version 1.1.0 Update

Added Sprinting: Seems Bill finally learned that moving your legs quickly makes you move faster.

Minor Monster Update: The cost of you learning to run.

Added Extra Fuse: Monster decided to take all of them this time. Motherfu-