If you want to play it on Scratch, here's the link:
Click Piggy to start your journey, keep clicking and clicking! Buy upgrades, exchange clicks, play minigames, explore worlds and even hire workers! All in Piggy Clicker, get ready to have fun!
Credits: MiniToon: Piggy. PhatMojo: Piggy Minifigure.
My friend bluepig600/jw5div8, for username encoder and decoder.
My friend lmdiv8, for making imposter clicker. (giving me the idea to make a clicker. I also helped him make it, you should really check it out!
My friend, mwdiv8 for Harold, (I know this other person actually created that idea but I don't know their name. Still, he was making a FNaH R teasers so I made an easter egg for that.). (Also, this easter egg is no longer available.)